

Sunday, 8 March 2015


We decided to do our last 2 weeks of quarantine outside of Arizona on the Oregon Coast. We pulled into Nehalem Bay State park a week ago. The weather has been amazing nothing but blue skies and high in the mid 60's.

Here at the park they have 17 campsites with 2 corrals each. This time of year it is easy to get in but other times of the year like summer you may have to book months or even a year in advance.

We first checked out the beach on foot with our dog Sammy he just thought it was amazing. 

The trail to the beach is short you can hear the waves of the ocean all night long. It makes me sleep like a baby. 

Our horses were a little nervous of the big waves at first. We let them look for a while before getting too close. 

Best thing to do is turn your horse away from incoming waves and let them come to him. 

Here is Ron with his back to the ocean and letting the waves hit Cimaron's legs. He was a little jumpy but all in all both horses handle it really well. 

After the waves hit the horses a few times they both relaxed and walked the beach with out a care. 

My having too much fun selfie. 

Hunter right in the waves as they cover his feet

Love this shot. 

This was the second day and both horses were great with the waves. 

Riding the sand domes back to camp. 

By the 3rd day it was like old hat. 

There are still things coming up on the beach from the Tsunami that hit Japan a few years ago. People are asked to pile it in an area the it can be picked up. 

More wave pictures

Below is a video of me cantering the waves

Hunter seems way more comfortable out in the big waves then Cimaron

Crazy horse likes the taste of salt water. 

Had to wash my saddle and tack after these waves hit me. 

Heading out for the big waves.

OK the toes are wet. That would be my toes not Hunters. 

More on riding the beaches here in Oregon check out the state parks in Oregon for parks on the ocean that take horses. 


  1. very cool! Thanks for sharing your adventure!

    1. Thanks Randy you guys should have come I know you live near the ocean but this ocean the waves are really cool. Had a lot of fun.

  2. Wow! Thanks for the great pictures! It looks like great fun! I remember "jumping" the waves when I was little and we went to the ocean in Washington state....long time ago! Good memories
