

Friday, 11 January 2013

Getting ready to go South

Less then 20 days to count down until we leave. 

Ron has been busy working to get the truck and trailer ready to go South. He has the backup camera installed, tie downs on the flat deck installed and has tested it with one of our smart cars. Horse's blood has been pulled for their coggins test. Will get Health papers down the week before we leave.
Ramps for the smart car can go on either side to drive on then drive off. 

Only thing different will be the red smart car will be going with us not the blue one. 

It will be nice to have a second bedroom incase we get visitors.

Big question is can we fit in or out of our driveway LOL 


  1. How difficult is it to take horses across the border to the US/Canada?

  2. What areas in the southwest have you ridden in? We are thinking about the Cedar Mesa area of Utah. Have you ever been there? How about the four corners area?

  3. Hi Mark I have not ridden Utah yet but would love too. We have ridden many areas of Arizona because in the winter months it is the best place to ride for weather. Getting across the boarder is pretty easy. You need a up to date Coggins test and a Health certificate. It sometimes can take up to a week to get you paperwork depending on where you live. The Health papers are good for 60 days your Coggins is good for 6 months.
