Here is a map of the camping in Nehalem Bay State Park on the Oregon Coast. You go through the regular camp to get back to the horse camp. The horse camp does not have power but does have water. There are showers and restrooms in the main camp and portable pit toilets in the horse camp. Each camp has 2 well built log corrals, a picnic table and a fire pit. You can have up to 4 horses per camp but can not use you own fencing.
Here is a picture of one of the horse campsites.
Picture above of our horses in the corrals.
More corral shots.
Of course our other pets loved it here. Deer wander through camp daily.
Beach access is right out of the horse camp.
It was a little tricky getting the big trailer around the last corner into the horse camp but we did it.
Trails to the beach. The footing everywhere was fabulous and we could go out without boots on our horses. The beach sand was so good for their bare feet.
Another shot of our camp site.
Riding the sand domes into camp
It was nice to go to the beach at sunset for a walk with our dog Sammy.
Below is our visit to Cannon Beach just north of Nehalem Bay
Ron was hoping to go and tour the Cannon Beach distillery but it is only open Thursday to Sunday
One of the Bronzes at Cannon Beach
Hard to believe it is early March and look at the flowers
Stopped for a walk on the way home look at this ocean in the picture above.
The next day we did a drive to Seaside by the Seashore LOL
This is the river that runs long the Seashore at Seaside
In a mall on your way to the beach is a beautiful old Carousel
It is not like the Vancouver Aquarium but it was worth a visit anyway
I can't believe how well these fish pictures turned out with my iPhone looks like I was in the water with the fish.
This seal cracked me up he was slapping his chest for fish snacks. It worked to because everyone wanted to feed him.
At the beach in Seaside. (Above) Below was a trail we took on our way back to Nehalem Bay. (Below)
This trail took us to what they call short sandy beach. Turns out it is a local favourite for the surfers.
Look at all the surfers out there waiting for the perfect wave.
The dogs above are waiting for there surfer owners to return.
Nothing like the feel of your toes in the sand.
On the way back to camp we stopped in camp at where they have Yurts you can rent for the night. This part of the campsite is closed for reno's
This is the other side of the Peninsula the camp is on. This is the Nehalem river beach
Sand domes before the beach.
More beach riding.
We headed to Tillamook for one of our outings and stopped at the Tillamook Cheese Factory.
Pictures of inside the cheese factory
On our way to and from Tillamook we saw a guy walking his horse down highway 101
Of course we had to stop and talk to him. He was on a mission to ride from Eugene Oregon all the way to the top of the Washington Peninsula. That day he made it to our camp and had walk over 30 miles. He rested there for a few days and rode with us. Then headed off to Seaside. 
His name is Joe and his horse is a rescued native horse that was left until 5 as a stallion so no one could get close to him until he was gelded to ride him. The women who had the horse said she was going to shoot him until Joe came along. Joe has done amazing job with him and he is now a lovely horse. Bungee is the horses name. He is part Arab but looks almost full.
Ron and Joe heading back to camp. When we leave here on Wednesday we plan on picking Bungee and Joe up where ever they have made it to along the ocean side. Then we will give them both a ride across the long bridge that goes to Washington from Astoria Oregon so he can continue his journey.
More riding here at Nehalem Bay
I love riding this beach.
Another drive south to see more scenery
Cape Meares is a must drive to and hike to see the Octopus tree and the lighthouse.
Just before you get to the light house there is a small town where you can walk the beach and go through this tunnel to the other side.
This side of the tunnel is man made but the other side is all made from the water tunnelling through
Coming out the other side.
This is a very cool but very private beach you can only get to once the tide is down.
We timed it just right for this visit as the tide was still heading out.
Our next drive was north up the coast to Astoria there is a spot were you can get onto the beach with you car at low tide.
Going over the bridge to Washington you can see all the freighters on the Columbia river waiting to unload.
Coming back we took a drive too Fort Stevens and saw a HUGE herd of Elk.
They let me get so close.
Last day on the beach heading to Washington tomorrow to get our International health papers done so we can return to Canada.
It has been another great winter of riding.
It has been another great winter of riding.